October Reads: Putting the Boo! in Books

This year just keeps on flying by, even when some days it feels like time is moving super slow. I had to keep reminding myself today that tomorrow is October first, and the weather is turning much cooler and feeling like Fall. This month's reads are full of supernatural hijinks and I can't wait to jump in! I'm still reading Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko. Wow. It's definitely not a book I can read quickly but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I'll confess that holiday books are starting to look very tempting, too. I'm going to try and have some self control and hang on until November before I start reading my feel good novels for the holiday season. I'm pretty sure I won't be alone reading escape fiction this winter. Is it wrong to be excited that I have a new flannel robe on the way? Holy cow my nesting vibe is hitting an all-time high. Here's what's on the reading list this month: I know. It's not spooky. But I can't wait to read this n...