My Reading Dip: When You Love to Read But Temporarily Lose Your Mojo
Maintaining a blog is both motivating and sometimes, a burden. I like to post reviews a few times a week, and this helps keep me on task with my reading. I usually manage to successfully post each week and I'm always reading 2-4 books at a time. Taking part in the reading challenge on Goodreads is a big help, too. It's fun to see the number climb and to see what I've read during the year. Plus, I am part of a great book group where we get together each month and just talk about what we're reading. And I'm someone who loves to walk around my local bookstore every few weeks just to see what's new. I work at a library, and while I see new materials all the time, I miss a lot. Reading about new titles, author news, all sorts of book stuff-I spend time on that every week, too. If I'm not watching my DVR'd TV shows, I'm reading at home. I read every day. If I have a busy day and I don't get to read for at least 30 minutes, it bothers me and I end up ...