March Reads and the Sad Tale of My Check-Outs from the Library

I have to confess I didn't have a library card until about 6 years ago. Never in my life did I have a library card, and I didn't go to public libraries. Most of that reason lies in where I grew up, out in the country in Iowa. We lived just over the county line, and that meant I couldn't have a library card for the city where my parents worked (plus it was 15 miles away). My parents had a lot of kids, so random trips into town didn't happen very often. We were also about 20 miles away from the next biggest town, in the county where I lived. We never went there, so that wasn't an option. I never asked to go to the library, and my parents never offered to take me. None of my siblings seemed interested, either. I did live for library day at my elementary school, and when I went to high school, we had a decent library, but I don't remember checking too much out. Mostly we sat there and giggled until the librarian told us to be quiet. ...