DNF's for May and A Big List of Summer Reads: Where I Tackle the Pile of Books in the Corner of My Living Room
Well May just flew by and I still don't have any flowers potted. Today, Memorial Day, I will rectify that; there's something to be said for planting beautiful flowers on a day of remembrance. This post is really two posts in one. I've got a couple of DNF's from May, and I thought I'd show my followers all the random books I'm planning on reading the next few months. It's not an all-inclusive list, but it's pretty darn close. First, my DNF's. Neither was because the books weren't appealing; rather time and media type played parts in my calling them quits. I checked this out from the library and started it. I knew it would be a difficult read for me (I struggle with WW2; especially books that involve Germany and the Holocaust). Unfortunately, my check out time expired and since there was a waiting list for the book, I couldn't renew it. Back to the library it went. I'll try again at another time when I feel ready to tack...